Sunday Hospitality at UUFoM

There are many roles to fill at UUFoM on Sunday morning. We rely on friendly faces to greet, collect donations, make coffee, and provide snacks, to name a few. Would you like to give us a hand?

Qualifications: No experience necessary. Training is provided! Below is a brief summary of our openings on Sunday. Feel free to sign up on as many or as few Sundays as you wish!

Usher Team (Estella T.) 
Help with the usher responsibilities on the Sundays you are available. This would include handing out programs before the service, collecting the offering during the service, and counting the deposit after the service (family and household members cannot serve together on the same day due to our bylaws.)
Sign up to usher here.

Greeter Team (Linda B.)
Help greet members and visitors when you are available. This would include a friendly smile at the main door, helping visitors find their way, connecting parents and children to RE, and having visitors fill out the Guest Book.
Sign up to greet here.

Snack Team (Suzann P./Sara C.)
Help with snack responsibilities when you are available. This would include providing a snack, assuring there are gluten-free and dairy-free snacks, setting up the snacks and serving after the service.
Sign up to bring snacks here.Kitchen/Coffee/Clean-Up Team (Kathy K./Marsha M.)
Help with kitchen responsibilities when you are available. This would include setting up the coffee before the service, and cleaning up the kitchen after the service.
Sign up for coffee here.

Any questions? Please contact Wendy at [email protected].