Children's Circle

Providers: 2 Volunteers
Location:  UL302, McPeak Room
Times offered: Every Sunday
Start Time / Drop-off: Children begin in the worship service

Art and Play Area

Pick-Up: By 11:45 a.m.; grades 3 and above are released on their own; younger children require adult pick-up
Teacher/Child Ratios:

  • Two providers minimum (Safe Church Policy)
  • One provider to every 8 children (minimum)

For our children and youth’s religious education program, we envision a welcoming, safe, and exciting environment in which young people develop a rooted Unitarian Universalist identity and sense of community along with a personally meaningful, vibrant spirituality.

Our mission is to engage children and youth in fun and meaningful activities that help them develop a positive religious identity, an ethical approach to life, a personal spirituality, skills to live in a world of religious diversity, and a sense of interconnectedness with all people and the entire universe.

Our children learn:

  • about their rich Unitarian Universalist heritage and its traditions;
  • about people and groups of people who have devoted their lives to noble causes;
  • that they are unique, precious individuals;
  • that it is okay to ask questions and to think for themselves;
  • compassion and respect for all people, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or culture;
  • skills for living in community with others;
  • that the natural world is full of marvel and mystery;
  • to think critically about religious ideas and ethical decisions; and
  • to work for peace, social justice, and eco-justice in our world.