Three Jewels Sangha
Three Jewels Sangha meets in person and virtually.

Three Jewels Sangha has a mix of UUFoM and non-UU members. While we miss meeting eith everyone in person, we are excited that Zoom allows people more access to our meditation/study sessions. Our members are consistent and dedicated to the Sangha. New members welcome? Always!
We meet in person and virtually every Wednesday at 5:00 for tea and conversation, from 5:30-6:30 for meditation and study. Whether you have been practicing with us often, are curious about meditation or Buddhism, or find yourself in need of connection, all are welcome to join the Three Jewels Sangha weekly Wednesday meeting. We will have some time to share how we are doing, some silent restorative meditation, and a reading from our current book.
Wednesdays at 5:00pm
Meeting ID: 200 926 356
Password: uufom
The purpose of the group is to provide a welcoming space for congregants and others in the area interested in meditation and/or Buddhism to meditate, study and share life experiences. Our Sangha has no official leaders or teachers; nobody holds themself as an authority and we honor all who come as Buddhas with inherent worth and dignity, each with something valuable to contribute. We share the responsibility of leading sessions. We adhere to no one Buddhist path, and study the teachings of teachers of all lineages. Our purpose is to question; always question. Our purpose is to use the wisdom we gain from Buddhist teachings and practice to live our lives with loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity, and to be present with all of life’s experiences.