Presidential Prattling – April 2024

image of board president Maxine Guettler

April 2024
Maxine Guettler
Board President

Communication … It’s so important! We are a small community, so sharing our thoughts, expectations, and ideas is key to getting along and moving forward. We have both members who have been here since close to the beginning of when our fellowship began and brand-new members (with more coming in the doors weekly). We need to communicate so we know the expectations. 

Before retiring I would joke with my coworkers that I failed Mind Reading 101, that they need to talk to me if things are not going as expected. I recently read an article called “High Expectations: If you could only read my mind” (from “Hold My Chalice,” by Kimberly Debus). A quote that sticks with me is “Expectations are premeditated resentments.

“This is about deciding that a person or organization will do something without making it clear that’s what you expected them to do…and then being resentful that they didn’t read your mind or behave exactly as you wanted them to. I see this all the time in the disappointment people have about their religious professionals; you know that their predecessor did a thing so you expect them to do it without you having to say anything. Examples that come to mind are things like making visits to every member, or being in the office from dawn to dusk every day, or never being quite intellectual enough in their sermons, not knowing how the coming of age classes used to be run, or not playing enough folk music, or, or or…”

Your board and minister are here for all of you. We want to hear your input, your ideas, your dreams. Please don’t hesitate to schedule a time to have a discussion with any of us. Rev Eric, our staff, and our board members are available anytime by appointment. Our contact information is in the bottom of the weekly enews or on the website. Or … just come and have a conversation with us on Sunday! We’re all in this together! 

In Peace, Maxine