Celebrating Spring with CUUPs

At UUFoM, the arrival of spring is not just marked by blooming flowers and warmer weather; it’s celebrated with heartfelt rituals and communal gatherings that honor the Earth and the cycles of nature. Recently, our Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPs) chapter came together for two memorable events that embodied the spirit of renewal and connection: the creation of dancing bells and a Beltane ritual communing with Gaia.

CUUPs’ attendees made dancing bells at the April 28 meeting. Then on May 4th, CUUPs held a ritual where they communed with Gaia around a Beltane fire and “woke up” the earth using bells, drums, maracas, and our stomping feet. Afterward, we relaxed in the sun and enjoyed “oat cakes,” iced tea, a little divination, and good conversation.