Presidential Prattling

Ahhhh, it’s summer in Michigan.  These hot, humid days that visitors from afar always seem to notice and complain about.  I make a point of trying to never complain about this summer weather.  I’m not crazy about the latter days of winter or early spring, but when summer comes, life is good and the living is easy, at least that’s the expression. And often the bonus in our autumns can include a partial extension of summer. It’s just so nice.  I try not to leave Michigan in the summer. Better to stay here and enjoy it. I expect most of our members feel the same way.  

Last week-end we had about 45 members and friends together at Herrick Park near Clare for a camping weekend and Saturday picnic.  We had a great morning and early afternoon Saturday before rain chased the folks there just for the day. Later there was a great campfire and smores at the Guettlers’ campsite.  OK, yes there were a few hiccups at the beginning, like a power outage when breakfast was to be prepared, but we worked through it.  Now, we’ll plan for something even better for next year.

Back in Midland… things have been and are happening.  A new paint job inside?  I hear it’s wild and crazy.  Amazing services each week. A great Juneteenth celebration at Creative 360 (we were co-sponsors of the event).  Pride month celebration in Bay City and at the Loons for pride night.  We had several members at the UUA General Assembly in Pittsburg participating in the work of the association and witnessing Reverend Eric’s achieving full fellowship.  Following that, they conducted a Sunday service that discussed the GA actions and discussions considered that really brought much of it home to our congregation.  Stay tuned for this week’s poetry service, one of the attributes of our UU Fellowship that I find so unique among the churches in our community.  And in August, we’ll be hosting a family fun day and RE open house on the 20th.

While we’re enjoying our summer months, all of those committees and teams you don’t see on Sunday are working hard in the background to keep everything going.  Pastoral Care, Building and Grounds, Finance, and your board of trustees, among others.  

Soon the stewardship committee will kick off our annual pledge drive to support our budget for 2024.  As always, you will be asked to make a financial commitment (pledge) for the year. This is also a good time to consider whether there are areas you might offer your personal expertise and energy in the form of volunteering.  It’s an old saw, but we do need more folks to step up.  There are many people already helping in multiple areas.  If you’re not sure what you might do, or you’d like to help but no one has invited you, mention it to me or Maxine Guettler or another board member or to Rev. Eric.  We’d love to talk to you.   

Our nominating committee will be working on finding good people to fill board positions for next year (president-elect, board secretary, board member at large, and a new nominating committee member).

In September, we expect to conduct a congregation “retreat” to re-examine our Fellowship’s mission, vision and covenant.  This important work is necessary as it’s been quite a few years since the last revision, and our congregation has changed in membership since that time and we have a new minister who needs this to shape his work as we go forward from here.  We’re hopeful to complete this project quickly so that we can then move on to other business.

So enjoy our wonderful Michigan summer while it’s here, and I’ll look forward to seeing you at the Fellowship.

Tom Bailey, Board President