Topic: Story

Telling Our Stories

According to narrative psychology, telling our life story helps us to organize our experiences and give us a sense of self. Using principles of psychology, poetry, song, and more, we’ll examine the importance of telling our stories — to ourselves and others. Led by the Rev. Eric Severson.

Stories Connect Us

Humans make meaning by connecting stories. Brick by brick, story by story, we build a congregation together. Join us as we tie together works by Meg Barnhouse, Christina Leone-Tracy, and others. If you would like to contribute a photo that typifies your pandemic experience, please send it to [email protected]. We’ll try to share them during … Continue reading Stories Connect Us

Myths About Myths

Myths are more than mere stories. Whether fictitious or not, they are sacred tales that help us understand the world. And yet, we’ll draw on the wisdom of Chimamanda Adichie, David Loy, and others to appreciate the need for multiple views. Led by the Rev. Eric Severson.

Stories Can Change the World

Author Ursula K. Le Guin once wrote that storytelling “has the power to show that the way things are is not permanent.” Drawing on the works of Elie Wiesel and others, we’ll examine how powerful stories can change the world for the better, and enjoy our virtual choir’s latest contribution. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

The Fiction of Climate Change

Many people respond more strongly to stories than data-based analysis of reality. Looming climate catastrophe has piqued the imagination of many writers; consequently, climate fiction, or cli-fi, is now a genre. Is fiction the way to connect with people who deny facts? Let’s explore this idea together. Fellowship member Jim Crissman speaking. Please share your … Continue reading The Fiction of Climate Change

The Fiction of Climate Change

Many people respond more strongly to stories than data-based analysis of reality. Looming climate catastrophe has piqued the imagination of many writers; consequently, climate fiction, or cli-fi, is now a genre. Is fiction the way to connect with people who deny facts? Let’s explore this idea together. Led by Fellowship member, Jim Crissman. Jim is … Continue reading The Fiction of Climate Change