Speaker: Rev. Eric Severson

“Curiosity and Courage”

Pluralism means encountering the many ways there are of being in the world. We can meet them with judgment and fear or with curiosity and courage. Join us in exploring a Unitarian Universalist perspective. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

“Our Many Facets”

Over a lifetime, each of us holds multiple, often overlapping roles and identities. In the spirit of Mother’s Day, join us in celebrating the beautifully complex lives we all lead. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

Many Voices

Life is full of singular perspectives and points of view, and yet there can be unity between and among them. Join our choir and a variety of musicians for a worship service that knits together — through music and readings — reflections on the gift of interdependence. Led by our Music Team and Rev. Eric … Continue reading Many Voices

Serving the Earth

Perhaps no holiday highlights the interdependent web of existence like Earth Day. Join us for an Aldo Leopold-inspired ecology service, with ideas on how we might help slow climate change and heal the planet. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

“Children of Abraham: Tradition, Knowledge, and Progress”

Known as the children of the prophet Abraham, Christians, Jews, and Muslims share a rich history of religious pluralism and interdependence. As the holy days of Ramadan end and Passover begin, we will explore the traditions, knowledge and progress of Judaism and Islam, and how we might continue to support interfaith dialog. Led by Rev. … Continue reading “Children of Abraham: Tradition, Knowledge, and Progress”

“Living the Life … of a Platypus”

Join us for a fun all-ages Easter Sunday service exploring the curious life of one of only two remaining mammals that lay eggs. Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Jen Page. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

“Forging Lasting Change”

Heat and pressure turn coal into diamonds. The same turns iron into all matter of useful items. Join us in exploring blacksmithing as a metaphor for creating societal change. We, too, can be agents of change. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.ZOOM LINK   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09 Meeting ID: 943 984 845 Password: 62201162

“If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another”

Join us to reflect not only on treating the Earth with respect but increasing biodiversity, moving us from a sustainability to a regeneration frame of mind. Will include a new member ceremony and the UUFoM choir. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

“To Paradise and Beyond”

Join us for insights on the power of transformation in the natural world, in the human heart, and in our congregation. We’ll also explore in earnest our aspirations for a new mission statement. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162