Topic: Opening to Joy: Guided by Fulfillment

Our Favorite Stories

Come for a cozy time of sharing beloved stories of the season or from our lives and how they help us make meaning. A multi-platform service led by Rev. Eric Severson.

Holy Nights

Join us for a brief intergenerational Christmas Eve service of word and music honoring the truth that “every night a child is born is a holy night.” A multi-platform, intergenerational service led by Rev. Eric Severson. Service begins at 7:00p.m.

A Blue Christmas

While there can be much joy in this season, the winter holidays aren’t always “cheery and bright,” especially with the challenges of a pandemic. This gentle, informal multiplatform service will offer a space of holding, with music, spoken word, and ritual, to provide support for … read more.

The Joy of Creating

Craftspersons have found fulfillment in the creative process for millennia. We’ll draw on Eric Gorges’ book “A Craftsman’s Legacy: Why Working with Our Hands Gives Us Meaning” and other sources. And we’ll learn some of the lessons that come from practicing a craft: slowing down, … read more.