Category: Sunday Service Videos

11/26/2023 “Are You Gonna Eat That?”

As we grow and change, we come to different beliefs about ourselves and the world. Join us for a fun all-ages post-Thanksgiving service, where we will explore what we might do with “the leftovers.” Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Jennifer Page.

2023-11-19 Celebrating Our Gifts

Gratitude can help move us from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. Join us in exploring how gratitude and generosity are linked. We will celebrate our many gifts with a cider-and-cornbread communion. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. The month’s collection: Guest at Your Table.

2023-11-5 Pagan Paths

Join us as we explore paganism, and all the different paths and traditions. We will delve into the general beliefs, the wheel of the year, witchcraft, tools of the trade, etc. Led by the Ancient Shores Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans.