UUFoM Vision-Mission Survey 2023

We are a different congregation than we were six to eight years ago; we need your help Sunday to update our vision and mission statements! To get you warmed up, here are some questions to consider: “What is Unitarian Universalism called to be in these days?” “How are you inspired to live your faith in the world?”

What Is a Vision Statement? A vision statement is a carefully defined picture of where the congregation wants to be in five or more years. It is the dream of what the congregation can become.

What Is a Mission Statement? A mission statement is a concise statement of what the congregation wants to be known for, or known as doing, within the wider world; a statement of what the congregation wants to mean to the community. 

The survey will be available on Sunday or you can fill it out online.

The Puzzle
We also are putting together a vision puzzle, and we want as many congregants as possible to take part. Please see Wendy Altmeier for your puzzle piece. So that we don’t end up with missing pieces, we ask that you not take it home but decorate it at the fellowship with your vision word, phrase, an image, or a color, using supplies provided, and return it to the box under the nametags.