Finance Update

This past eighteen months have been an incredible period for the Fellowship and for its finances. Most of you are familiar with the trials and tribulations associated with halting in-person services, starting up with Zoom, procedures and criteria for re-opening, but you may not be fully aware of what has gone on in the background with our fiscal and physical structures at UUFOM.

While we have been closed for in-person activities, it has been extremely busy behind the scenes. Below is a summary of what has been accomplished, together with a general indication of how it was done:

  1. Our fiscal year for 2020 ended with a surplus of nearly $50,000! This was a result of reduced expenditures for the year coupled with receiving a PPP loan under the federal economic support legislation that was subsequently forgiven,
  2. Following the financial pillars procedures (adopted by the finance committee and board in 2014), after adjusting allocations to our operating financial reserves to cover up to three months budgetary expenditures in the event of an unexpected crisis, $40,000 was allocated to our Major Maintenance Fund and $10,000 to our Opportunity Fund. The Major Maintenance Fund is money set aside for costly maintenance and improvements needed that are beyond the scope of a single year budgeting process. The Opportunity Fund is established to enable Rev. Eric to tweak budget areas where unexpected needs arise and to take advantage of unbudgeted opportunities that will benefit the congregation and our Fellowship.
  3. During early 2021, we became aware of, applied for and received a $20,000 grant from the Herbert H and Grace A Dow Foundation for assistance with replacing the roof of the Fellowship.
  4. The Fellowship’s Endowment Fund committed $17,400 toward furnace and roof replacement, and $2,000 toward playground replacement.
  5. Additional donations for the playground project of $3,302 were received from members and friends.
  6. Because of the unanticipated receipt of the Dow Foundation grant and financial hardship on the Midland community from the pandemic, Finance and Building and Grounds decided to return $19,000 from the 2020 surplus and apply it toward the 2022 budget model in an effort to enable the Stewardship Drive to keep its annual request at current year levels.
  7. Building and Grounds received bids and authorized the replacement of the three furnaces in the fellowship. That work came to a cost of just under $10,000 and was completed this summer.
  8. Building and Grounds received bids and authorized the repainting of the outside of the Fellowship. That work came to a cost of approximately $14,000 and was completed this summer.
  9. Building and Grounds received bids and authorized the replacement of the Fellowship roof. This was done in two phases by two different contractors. That work came to a cost of approximately $35,000 and was completed this summer.
  10. The kitchen dishwasher/sanitizer has been limping/breaking down regularly for the past few years and was replaced this summer. The cost for this new unit was $3,500.
  11. The playground is in the process of a complete replacement. Building and Grounds received bids for some of the work and has been working extensively with member volunteers as well. When complete, the cost of this project is projected at about $20,000.
  12. Window replacement / inserts were purchased for the Fellowship offices at a cost of about $1,800.

If someone had suggested 10, five, or even three years ago that we might accomplish so much in the way of repairs, betterments and overall improvements to the Fellowship facilities during such a short period, most of us would have scoffed. This has been a marvelous coming together of funding and opportunity. Be sure to take a look and admire our new roof, paint job, and playground the next time you’re here. And this winter, be sure to notice and appreciate those new furnaces. The kitchen committee folks will certainly be happy with the new dishwasher/sanitizer.

This current fiscal year (2021) is also coming together pretty well. Assuming all of our pledges for the year are received, we look to be well situated to end the year at break-even or possibly a modest surplus.

So much has been accomplished over this year. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact any of us on the Finance Committee: Tom Bailey, Tim Wagner, Vicki Rothhaar or Fred Thomas.