Considering membership?

If you appreciate or have enjoyed the fellowship’s offerings and are considering joining as a member, fantastic! We hope you are able to make connections in many ways, and we invite you to engage in this path to membership.

1) Attend!
The best place to start is by getting to know your fellow seekers on Sunday mornings, in small groups, or during social gatherings.

2) Explore!
Pamphlets can be found on the wall near the front entrance. Borrow a book from our library. Visit the UUA’s FAQs at Either way, get to know Unitarian Universalism!

3) Get Involved!
Be present in congregational life and participate as a volunteer where you receive fulfillment.

4) Question!
We are a faith about questions. Explore yours with our minister or your fellow travelers on the journey.

5) Learn!
Attend the “UUFoM & You” class!  

6) Join!
Sign a membership card with our minister, familiarize yourself with our by-laws, and fill out a Membership Form.

Keep in touch with us via our Facebook group.

Click here to register!