Ministerial Search Committee News

The Search Committee is pleased to announce that we have selected a ministerial candidate.  We have followed the advice we received near the beginning of this process to “fall in love” with the candidate.  We hope that you will, too! We are unable to give you more information now until some final details are attended to, but will fill in the blanks as soon as we are able.  In the meantime, we are making arrangements to introduce them to you.

Candidating Week will be April 28 to May 5. The candidate will present a sermon on each of the Sundays.  During the week there will be opportunities for you to meet the candidate and their spouse. We’ll be arranging meetings with committees and other groups within the Fellowship as well as “cottage meetings” in the homes of individual members.  If you would like to host one of these cottage meetings, please contact Maxine Guettler, at [email protected].

After the service on May 5, we will excuse the candidate and vote on whether to call them.  We hope this will be the beginning of a joyous partnership as our Fellowship moves into the future.

From the Ministerial Search Committee:  Tom Bailey (Chair), Mary Johnson, Maxine Guettler, Chris Nakamura, Tim Wagner, Sasha King